понедельник, 30 мая 2011 г.

Interview with V.S. Kozlova
the assistant of histology chear

-Hello, let us ask you some questions? 
-Yes, of course, but I'll need to go to lessons soon, so be quickly.
-Ok, what's the importance of the subject you teach.
-Hystology is one of the most important subject in your course, so every doctor should know this discipline.
-What do you think about how many time should students spend to pass the exam in histology?
-I guess that our course supposes that every student can pass the exam if he'd learn the subject. And the most important is zeal of every student in learning it. 
-What do you think about the internet? Does it make students life easier? 
-I don't actually know, because I don't use it. But i can suppose that internet makes students life easier. I'm sorry, it's time to go.
-Thank you for the interview! 

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