It happened! We created our own chatroom, where you can ask different questions! You may see the chat window at the right side of the page. We hope that it will make our blog more interesting for you.
пятница, 9 декабря 2011 г.
среда, 16 ноября 2011 г.
Commencement 2011 Johns Hopkins University
The Johns Hopkins University Class of 2011 Commencement. More than 6,000 Graduating students gathered at Homewood Field at the Baltimore campus of the renowned university.
среда, 2 ноября 2011 г.
Our free time.
In our free time we usually have different things to do. One of this things is game named "Dr.Mario". It's like a tetris but we should move pills instead of moving blocks. So, you can taste this game here:
четверг, 20 октября 2011 г.
Johns Hopkins Medicine
The Johns Hopkins University opened in 1876, with the inauguration of its first president, Daniel Coit Gilman. "What are we aiming at?" Gilman asked in his installation address. "The encouragement of research ... and the advancement of individual scholars, who by their excellence will advance the sciences they pursue, and the society where they dwell."
The mission laid out by Gilman remains the university's mission today, summed up in a simple but powerful restatement of Gilman's own words: "Knowledge for the world."
четверг, 13 октября 2011 г.
Interview with Intern.
What university did the intern finish?
In what hospital does he work?
When does usually start his working day?
In what time does he visit his patients?
Who helps him in his work?
Does he like his job?
What is his name?
понедельник, 30 мая 2011 г.
ASMA graduates.
There are a lot of famous doctors who graduated from Amur State Medical Academy.
It's better to know that your parents was ASMA students too. So let us introduce Valera's parents.
They entered ASMA together in 1987 on medical faculty. After six hard years of studying they began to work and now
Valera's mother, Sayutina Elvira Vadimovna, is a Head of the Endocrinology department at City Hospital.
Valera's Father, Sayutin Artur Viktorovich, is a Head of primary vascular center. If you don't know,
what is a primary vascular center, just watch this video:
Interview with V.S. Kozlova
the assistant of histology chear
-Hello, let us ask you some questions?
-Yes, of course, but I'll need to go to lessons soon, so be quickly.
-Ok, what's the importance of the subject you teach.
-Hystology is one of the most important subject in your course, so every doctor should know this discipline.
-What do you think about how many time should students spend to pass the exam in histology?
-I guess that our course supposes that every student can pass the exam if he'd learn the subject. And the most important is zeal of every student in learning it.
-What do you think about the internet? Does it make students life easier?
-I don't actually know, because I don't use it. But i can suppose that internet makes students life easier. I'm sorry, it's time to go.
-Thank you for the interview!
суббота, 21 мая 2011 г.
Histology chair.
Histology chair of Amur State Medical University was founded in 1954. Histology is one of the most important disciplines in studying in Amur State Medical University. There are a lot of researches on Histology lessons. For example - considering the flesh with microscope, discovering them and make pictures in albums. The lessons are performed with a control of awesome professors: Celuyko S.S. , Krasavina N.P. , Sayapina I.U. , Kozlova V.S. , Ogorodnikova T.L. We like histology very much!
Leonid Roshal
Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal (b. April 27, 1933 in Livny) is a noted pediatrician from Moscow, Russia, expert for World Health Organs, chairman of International Charity Fund to Help Children in Disasters and Wars.
Roshal has been leading the Emergency Surgery & Children's Trauma Department of Moscow's Pediatric Scientific Research Institute since 1981. In 2003, he also took over the Moscow Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery & Traumatology, which is currently treating 60,000 children a year.
Dr. Roshal negotiated with Chechen Terrorists during the Moscow theater hostages crisis in 2002. He also served as a negotiator in the 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis, working for the release of children and trying to convince the hostage-takers to allow the hostages to have food and water. After the events in the Beslan crisis played out, he also served as the advisor to the medical teams that had to treat burn wounds on hundreds of children.
Since 2005 he is a member of the Public Chamber of Russia. He is also a member of the Presidential Commission on Human Rights.
Roshal publicly spoke out against the war in Chehcnya and the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkovsky. In February 2006 he criticized the Mothers of Beslan for "judging the state rather than the terrorists" at a trial of one of the Beslan hostage takers.
Our student life.
понедельник, 2 мая 2011 г.
понедельник, 25 апреля 2011 г.
понедельник, 4 апреля 2011 г.
25 Ways Nanotechnology is Revolutionizing Medicine
Technology is shrinking at a rather rapid rate. As a result, more and more advancements are taking place at the cellular, molecular and atomic level — at the nanoscale. With scientific understanding growing, it is becoming possible to engineer the smallest devices and applications to help in a variety of fields. One of the fields that is likely to benefit greatly from nanotechnology is medicine.
- Nanobots: These devices have great potential for medical uses. These smallest of robots could be used to perform a number of functions inside the body, and out. They could even be programmed to build othernanobots, increasing cost efficiency.
- Nanocomputers: In order to direct nanobots in their work, special computers will need to be built. Efforts to create nanocomputers, as well as the movement toward quantum computing, are likely to continue to provide new processes and possibilities for the science of medicine.
- Cell repair: Damage to the cells of the body can be very difficult to repair. Cells are so incredibly small. But nanotechnology could provide a way to get around this. Small nanobots or other devices could be used to manipulate molecules and atoms on an individual level, repairing cells.
- Cancer treatment: There are hopes that the use of nanotechnology could help in cancer treatment. This is because the small, specialized functions of some nano devices could be directed more precisely at cancer cells. Current technology damages the healthy cells surrounding cancer cells, as well as destroying the undesirables. With nanotechnology, it is possible that cancer cells could be targeted and destroyed with almost no damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
- Aging: Nano devices could be used to erase some of the signs of aging. Already, laser technology can reduce the appearance of age lines, spots and wrinkles. With the help of powerful nanotechnology, it is possible that these signs could be done away with completely.
- Heart disease: There is a possibility that nanobots could perform a number of heart related functions in the body. The repair of damaged heart tissue is only one possibility. Another option is to use nano devices to clean out arteries, helping unclog those that have buildup due to cholesterol and other problems.
- Implanting devices: Instead of implanting devices as we have seen in some cases, it might be possible to send a nanobot to build the necessary structures inside the body,
- Virtual reality: Doctors could explore the body more readily with the help of a nanobot injection. Creating a virtual reality that would help medical professionals and others learn could help make some operations more “real” and provide practice ahead of time.
- Gene therapy: Nanotechnology would be small enough to enter the body and even redesign the genome. This would be a way to alter a number of conditions and diseases. However, the human genome would need to be understood a little better for truly advanced gene therapy. However, nanobots would be qualified for swapping abnormal genes with normal genes and performing other functions.
- Drug delivery: Systems that automate drug delivery can help increase the consistency associated with providing medication to those who need it. Drug delivery systems can be regulated using nanotechnology to ensure that certain types of medications are released at the proper time, and without the human error that comes with forgetting to take something.
- Nanotweezers: These devices are designed to manipulate nanostructures. These can be used to move nano devices around in the body, or position them prior to insertion. Nanotweezers are usually constructed using nanotubes.
- Stem cells: Nanotechnology can actually help adult stem cells morph into the types of cells that are actually needed. Studies showing how nanotubes can help adult stem cells turn into function neurons in brain damaged rats.
- Bone repair: It is possible to accelerate bone repair using nanotechnology. Nanoparticles made up of different chemical compositions can help knit bones back together, and can even help in some cases of spinal cord injury.
- Imaging: Nanotechnology can provide advancements in medical imaging by allowing a very specific and intimate peek into the body. Nano devices result in molecular imaging that can lead to better diagnosis of a variety of diseases and conditions.
- Diabetes: Instead of having to draw blood to test blood sugar level, nanotechnology is providing a way for diabetics to use lenses to check their blood sugar. These nanocomposite contact lensesactually change color to indicate blood sugar level.
- Surgery: We already have robotic surgeons in some cases, but nanosurgery is possible using some lasers, as well as nano devices that can be programmed to perform some surgical functions. Being able to perform surgery at the smallest level can have a number of benefits for long term medicine.
- Seizures: There are nanochips being developed to help control seizures. These chips are meant to analyze brain signals, and then do what is needed to adjust the brain so that epilepsy could be better controlled.
- Sensory feedback: For those who have lost feeling in their body, it is possible to use nanotechnology to increase sensory feedback. Nanochips provide the opportunity for electrical impulses to be intercepted and interpreted.
- Limb control: Prosthetics continue to advance, and nanotechnology is likely to help revolutionize the way paralysis is handled. There are some attempts to use nanochips that can help those who have lost limb control use their minds to send signals to provide a certain amount of motion.
- Medical monitoring: You might be able to increase your ability to monitor your own body systemswith the help of nanotechnology. Small nanochips implanted in your body could monitor your health and systems, and then send you feedback to your computer or other device.
- Medical records: In addition to monitoring your own body systems, nanotech can be used to send information to your health care providers, and increase the efficiency of electronic medical records.
- Disease prevention: Having a nano device in your body could actually help prevent diseases. With proper programming, it should be possible to help you avoid some diseases, repairing problems before they become serious issues. They may even be able to help prevent chronic diseases.
- Prenatal: There are a number of ways that nanotechnology can help in terms of prenatal diagnosis. Being able to get inside the uterus and even inside the fetus without causing trauma can be beneficial to prenatal health, and nanotechnology can also help potentially repair problems in the womb.
- Individual medicine: Nanotechnology is moving toward making medicine more personal. Being able to accurately work up your genome can help health providers more precisely pinpoint the proper treatments and tweak a treatment plan according to your individual needs and responses.
- Research: Nanotechnology is advancing medical research, providing the tools that can help us learn more about the body and how it functions, as well as providing insight into chemistry and physics, which provide the building blocks for the body.
Our Medical Academy
Our medical Institute was founded in 1952/ In 1972 the Institute xelebrated its 20th anniversary. There are more than 3800 students in our Institute, We have two medical faculties. All students of Medical Institute are full time students/ You can hardly imagine a physician having studied medicine by correspondence. The course of training of highly skilled doctors. Education in Russia is free of charge and most of the students get state grants.
Rector is fully responsible for all educational, scientific, social and financial work of the Institute. The dean's office is responsible for fullfillment of the curriculum, arrangement of the lectures, making the time-table.
Te teaching staff of our Institute includes 350 persons, 16 professors and more than 180 assistant-professors work at the Institute. There are 40 chairs at it.
Our institute has three sport halls and our sportsmwn train there. The students work in different sport halls and our sportsmen train there. The students work in different sport sections because the physical development of the students is an important concern of the Institute. We have 6 students' hostels and most of our students live there.
Rector is fully responsible for all educational, scientific, social and financial work of the Institute. The dean's office is responsible for fullfillment of the curriculum, arrangement of the lectures, making the time-table.
Te teaching staff of our Institute includes 350 persons, 16 professors and more than 180 assistant-professors work at the Institute. There are 40 chairs at it.
Our institute has three sport halls and our sportsmwn train there. The students work in different sport halls and our sportsmen train there. The students work in different sport sections because the physical development of the students is an important concern of the Institute. We have 6 students' hostels and most of our students live there.
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