понедельник, 4 апреля 2011 г.

Our Medical Academy

Our medical Institute was founded in 1952/ In 1972 the Institute xelebrated its 20th anniversary. There are more than 3800 students in our Institute,  We have two medical faculties. All students of Medical Institute are full time students/ You can hardly imagine a physician having studied medicine by correspondence. The course of training of highly  skilled doctors.  Education in Russia is free of charge and most of the students get state grants.
Rector is fully responsible for all educational, scientific, social and financial work of the Institute. The dean's office  is responsible for fullfillment of the curriculum, arrangement of the lectures, making the time-table.
Te teaching staff of our Institute includes 350 persons, 16 professors and more than 180 assistant-professors work at the Institute. There are 40 chairs at it.
Our institute  has three sport halls and our sportsmwn train there. The students work in different sport  halls and our sportsmen train there. The students work  in different sport sections because the physical development of the students is an important concern of the Institute. We have 6 students' hostels and most of our students live there.

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